
Kingsglaive Comic Con Trailer Has Flashy Fights. Tentacles.

New Kingsglaive: Final Fantasy XV trailer gets it right.

For one it does a great job of putting the whole universe of Final Fantasy XV in perspective. Like within the first few lines you already known all the backstory of game’s universe (which is refreshing for a franchise that has previously banked on convoluted plots). Another highlight has to be the VO’s. I admit I’m sucker for watching movies in their native language but the team seem to have taken care of the lip syncing and acting.

There also seems to be all sorts of references to previous FF games from those giants that look like the weapons from Final Fantasy VII to Ultros. Freaking Ultros, yo!


Kingsglaive is expected to launch digitally on August 30th. A Blu-Ray release will come out on October 4th, but those who pre-ordered the Deluxe Edition will get it earlier on September 30th.


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